Abu Simbel



The whole ball of wax, the complete imposing structure. What they did to restore this was an incredible bit of work.


I know, I know. You saw it too. There was a smudge on my UV filter that protects the lens. I did not discover it until it was almost time to depart. I was very upset about it.


I did what I could to salvage the pictures, not thinking that I'd ever get back there again. However, it looks like I may come through there once again.


My little model to give this some scale
Behind the pyramid a way inside, but not for visitors


Mom! Look what I found at Abu Simbel. Can I keep her?
She's a Scandinavian girl who settled near Sacramento


And there they are again. The ever present baboons


Since this is how they reassembled it, the statue must have come off the rock a very long time ago. Here is where you can whisper into the Pharaoh's ear.
Occupying soldiers of many nations leaving their mark


Looking south into Sudan, a forbidding desert. When I come back this way from there, I will take the weekly ferry that crosses Lake Nasser to Aswan, that is, to the dam, then it's by public bus or taxi to the town of Aswan. I looked hard, there seems to be no border station between here and Sudan that I might be able to get to, just endless desert.

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